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Home >> Academics 

Our Academics 

Let's Check Our Academics

Our academics focus on tailored learning plans designed to meet the unique needs and abilities of each Children.

SmileSpecialSchool Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy  

OT helps kids who have a physical, sensory motor & cognitive disability. It helps them to do everyday things like eating, dressing, putting on shoes & socks, focusing on learning, writing, playing with toys and peer group.

SmileSpecialSchool Speech and Language

Speech and Language 

They provide support & care for children who have difficulties with sound production, articulation, eating, drinking, swallowing, sucking, blowing, communication.

SmileSpecialSchool Behavioral Modification

Behavioral Modification 

It is a therapy which helps to add or extinguish behaviors to have the out comes that are desired. Core components are used to shape and reinforce Positive Behaviors & Stop Negative Behaviors.

SmileSpecialSchool Special Education

Special Education 

Special Education strives towards the ultimate goal of educational main streaming of children with special needs through efforts towards inclusive education.

SmileSpecialSchool Physiotherapy


They provide support & care for children who have difficulties with sound production, articulation, eating, drinking, swallowing, sucking, blowing, communication.

SmileSpecialSchool Yoga


The practice is gentle, therapeutic and yet very effective and powerful. The method consists of an integrated series of balanced yoga poses to increase body awareness and strength.

SmileSpecialSchool learning path
SmileSpecialSchool playground
SmileSpecialSchool Sensory Integration (SI)

Sensory Integration (SI)

SI is Used to help Children learn to Use all their senses together that is touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing


SmileSpecialSchool Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Creating and playing music gives children a sense of accomplishment while toning cognitive areas, improve language skills, identify and appropriately express their emotions, develops eye gaze. 

Our Education

SmileSpecialSchool   Individualized education for special needs

Individualized Education for Special Needs

Special education focuses on understanding and accommodating the unique needs of each child, ensuring their individual differences and disabilities are addressed effectively.

SmileSpecialSchool empowerment through diversity and skill development

Goal of Educational Mainstreaming

The ultimate aim is to integrate children with special needs into mainstream education, fostering inclusion and helping them thrive in a regular learning environment.

SmileSpecialSchool joyful and engaging learning experiences

Multi-Sensory Learning Approaches (Multism)

Lessons are designed using multiple modalities, such as visual, auditory, and hands-on activities, enabling children to learn and retain concepts more effectively by engaging two or more senses.

SmileSpecialSchool celebrating unique learning profiles

Celebrating Unique Learning Profiles

Every child’s learning preferences and strengths are recognized, creating an engaging learning environment that promotes confidence and self-expression.

SmileSpecialSchool multi-sensory learning approaches (Multism)

Joyful and Engaging Learning Experiences

Teaching methods focus on making learning fun and meaningful, helping children explore their potential and achieve their best.

SmileSpecialSchool goal of educational mainstreaming

Empowerment Through Diversity and Skill Development

Special education fosters independence and growth by celebrating diversity, encouraging children to showcase their strengths, and building a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

SmileSpecialSchool mood behaviour attention energy
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