Special Education
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Special Education
Special education is tailored instruction designed to meet the unique learning needs of students with disabilities. It provides individualized support, accommodations, and resources to help students reach their full potential in academic and social development.

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Special Education ?
Special education refers to a range of services to Help kids with disabilities. This in the practice of educating students in a way that accommodates their individual differences, disabilities. Special education Strives towards the ultimate goal of educational main streaming of children with special needs through efforts towards inclusive education. It's instruction in specially designed to meet the unique needs of a child. This means education that is individually developed to address a specific need that results from his/her disability.
Multisensory learning provides more ways of learning style and more ways for understanding new information, to remember & recall things. In a multisensory approach, students learn a new concept best when it is taught using different modalities. It involves one or more senses within the focus activity. Children take in information about their world in a variety of ways; for instance, a child might learn through visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile cues.
There are the capacity of profiles 12 ways of learning according to & Child when a child's unique or preferences are accommodated, they. write same lines with alignment